Minimalist sales micro-site
A minimalist sales micro-site
The easiest way to build a micro sales site ?

:hammer: Requirements
:thought_balloon: Setup
From a command line opened in the project, run `composer install` to install the project dependencies.
Rename `env.sample` to `.env` and update the details in there.
Run the PHP built-in server `php -S` for testing purpose.
Update the products details/list of products in `app/products.php`
Update the product page details in `app/pages/`
FYI: The document root file is index.php
located in the root directory of this project.
:tada: 3rd party libraries
This project uses the following awesome libs:
* Bootstrap v5
* Mustache.PHP
* Just HTTP Status Codes
* PHP dotenv
:cook: Author
I'm Pierre-Henry Soria. A passionate, perseverant zen & dedicated software engineer ? Coding the best applications with the best practices is my way of life! ?
You can keep in touch with me at: ?
[![pH-7][github-image]]( "Follow Me on GitHub") [![@phenrysay][twitter-image]]( "Follow Me on Twitter")

:tv: Video
[![Watch the video][video-thumbnail]](
? Click here to watch on YouTube
:page_with_curl: License
Minimalist sales micro-site is distributed under MIT license ? Enjoy! ??
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