Game Draw

The Lucky Draw class takes an example array (explained below) and generates Item and Item count for winners.
The Mega Draw class takes 2 example array (explained below) and generates winners for each prize according to given amount per prize.
> Please don't use this to generate things/prizes with People's hard earned money. It is intended to make things fun with bonus gifts only.
Language: PHP 7+
PHP Extension: BCMath (may need to install manually in Linux servers)
composer require abmmhasan/game-draw
Usage (Lucky Draw)
Input Data
'item' => 'product_000_NoLuck', // Item code or Identifier
'chances' => '100000', // Item Chances
'amounts '=> [ 1 ] // Item Amounts
'item' => 'product_001',
'chances' => '1000',
'amounts' => [ rand(1,100) ] // Random Value passing
'item' => 'product_002',
'chances' => '500.001', // Fraction Allowed
'amounts' => [
1 => 100, // Amount chances
5 => 50, // Format: Amount => Chances
10 => 10.002, // Fraction allowed
rand(50,60) => 1, // Random Value in Amount
'item' => 'product_003',
'chances' => '100',
'amounts' => [
1 => 100,
5 => 50,
10 => 10,
20 => 5,
'item' => 'product_004',
'chances' => '1',
'amounts' => [ 10, 15, 30, 50 ] // Amounts without probability
item: Provide your item's unique identifier
chances: Weight of item.
- It will be compared along all the items in array.
- The higher the chances the greater the chances of getting the item.
- Fraction number supported
- In case of active inventory we can pass available item stock here
amounts: Array of Item amount. It can be any like following:
- Single Value, i.e. [ 1 ] or random single value, i.e. [ 1-100 ]
- Fraction number supported
- Can be weighted amount, i.e.
5 => 100,
15 => 50,
50 => 10,
80 => 5.001
- We can also pass random single value, i.e. [ 50-100 ] in amount part using rand() or mt_rand().
1 => 100,
5 => 50,
10 => 10,
rand(50,100) => 5
- Or can be selective amount for random pick
[ 10, 15, 30, 50, 90 ]
Output Data
product_000_NoLuck (1) // Item Code and Amount
list( $p, $c ) = (new LuckyDraw($prizes))->draw();
We will pass the Formatted Input i.e. $prizes
From above example, (after execution) $p will be the Item Code and $c will be the item count.
Inventory Solutions
Available stock should be passed (after subtracting used amount from stock amount) in chances properly.
Usage (Mega Draw)
Input Data
$prizes =
'product_001'=>50, // Item Code/Identifier => Amount of the item
item: Provide your item's unique identifier
amounts: Amount of gift. It must be a positive integer value.
To pass users where the Gifts are general:
$users =
['user01','user02','user03',..........,'userNNNNNNN']; // user identity
Or where the gifts are specifc per user group
$users =
'user01'=>'product_002', // user identity => Item Code/Identifier
'user NNNNNNN'=>'product_002'
Output Data
[product_001] => Array
[0] => usr47671
[1] => usr57665
[2] => usr92400
[3] => usr7249
[4] => usr37860
[5] => usr57280
[6] => usr97204
[7] => usr82268
[8] => usr16521
[9] => usr24864
[10] => usr52595
[11] => usr39674
[12] => usr52520
[13] => usr42316
[14] => usr41327
[15] => usr41461
[16] => usr74861
[17] => usr40589
[18] => usr79599
[19] => usr86757
[20] => usr92409
[21] => usr51569
[22] => usr37905
[23] => usr43123
[24] => usr98934
[25] => usr56999
[26] => usr26529
[27] => usr37097
[28] => usr8417
[29] => usr65328
[30] => usr11656
[31] => usr56668
[32] => usr87999
[33] => usr83457
[34] => usr39765
[35] => usr31917
[36] => usr22395
[37] => usr27971
[38] => usr89124
[39] => usr42330
[40] => usr30652
[41] => usr19458
[42] => usr96018
[43] => usr32073
[44] => usr55307
[45] => usr23103
[46] => usr37772
[47] => usr64712
[48] => usr39795
[49] => usr3161
[product_002] => Array
[0] => usr50344
[1] => usr60450
[2] => usr62662
[3] => usr26976
[4] => usr56486
[product_003] => Array
[0] => usr92895
[1] => usr37642
[2] => usr85241
[product_004] => Array
[0] => usr84327
[1] => usr22985
[product_005] => Array
[0] => usr26819
To get Gift for General Case:
print_r((new Megadraw())->get($prizes,$users));
To get Gift for Grouped Case:
print_r((new Megadraw())->get($prizes,$users,true));
We will pass the Formatted Input i.e. $prizes
From the above example, (after execution) we will get Users won in each category.
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