Maybe it's about automation, or just about being more declarative because a non Touring complete DSL will just more be correct, I find it just amazing the possibility to describe an API by using the Open-API-Specification and let this specification be your code: this class will set every route using the Slim functionalities, and for every route point to a CommandHandler.
I'd suggest, the best way to see it in action is just to clone the repository and try the Example Hello World Application:
git clone
cd open-api/Examples/HelloWorld/
composer install #composer install will actually install Slim and open-api
php -S localhost:8080 -t public #start the server
curl localhost:8080/hello/world # or just open the browser localhost:8080/hello/world
For a fully working application, you could take a look at a ReactJS + Slim Skeleton that provides all the functionalities needed for a modern application.
The url is here
The OpenApi specification is here
You will not have a few overpopulated Controllers, but instead for every entry point a command handler.
You can read at this blog post for some ideas of how we intend our architecutre
Furthermore, the Open-Api specification can be automatically validated, tested

In the end you'll have a yml or json file that describe your API, something like this:
By using our library all routes will automatically be set. Every route pointing to a CommandHandler indicated by a unique operationId.
So in the image of the example, you can see that there is a route:
/pet that accept post requests. It will be enough to use our class, when you start the application the route /pet will accept a post.
And so for the gets that you see below, like /pet/findByStatus, etc.
For every path, it will be executed the command handler with the operationI.
In the example for /pet, you can see the operationId: addPet. So making a post request to /pet, the system will try to execute the class AddPet::execute passing the params. The operationId must be a fully qualified name of a class. Something like this for example:
operationId: \MyApplication\CommandHandlers\AddPett
which means that will execue AddPett::execute
You may find an example of a fully working Open-Api specification here the full json file
composer require dispatcher/open-api
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$app = new \Slim\App;
$container = $app->getContainer();
//your command Handlers need to be injected by operationId
$container['HelloWorld'] = function () {
return new \HelloWorld\CommandHandlers\HelloWorld();
$openApiFile = 'routes.json';
$openApiConfigParser = Dispatcher\OpenApi\ParserFactory::parserFor($openApiFile);
$openApiConfig = $openApiConfigParser->parse($openApiFile);
$applicationBridge = new \Sab\Application\Bridge\SlimBridge($app);
$routesInjector = new \Dispatcher\OpenApi\Route\DefaultRouteInjector();
$openApiDispatcher = new \Dispatcher\OpenApi\OpenApiDispatcher($routesInjector);
$openApiDispatcher->InjectRoutesFromConfig($applicationBridge, $openApiConfig);
As you may see we're injecting HelloWorld, a command Handler with the same id of operationId that you may find on routes.json
That's all folks.
Help wanted
There is no validation at all. This process can be automatized. Class CommandHandler on the file called SwaggerDispatcher.