Stefan Löwe - 2012-10-04 22:34:08 -
In reply to message 1 from waldifubu
and thanks for trying my package.
First off all, this is a client side application, so you will not be able to run it via a browser.
To get it run, you first need to have take care of the following:
1. install PHP 5.4
2. get composer from www.getcomposer.org (easiest way to get dependecies)
3. run php composer.phar install in BattMan directory, this will get you the packages ws\loewe\Utils and ws\loewe\Woody, on which this application depend on (they will be instlaled to BattMan/vendor/*)
4. you need to get the latest winbinder extension, get it from here -> https://github.com/stefan-loewe/WinBinder/tree/master/binaries
5. activate the extension in your php.ini by adding the line extension=winbinder_54_TS.dll
6. run php bootstrap.php from the BattMan directory
Good luck