* This test file for simplesql.class.php exemplifies
* how easy it is to manipluate a database. This test
* will list various methods of how to use functions
* and methods.
* For more examples and extended documentation, visit
* my directory at PHPclasses.org
* http://phpclasses.mirrors.iplexx.at/browse/author/166377.html
* or email me at [email protected]
* Construction
* If your database connection variables are already
* hard coded into the class file, then you may just simply
* create a new class without any arguments. But for this
* example I will include the basic connection arguments
* to get you started on how the class functions.
$db = new simplesql('mysql06.powweb.com','protonagenet','194911986','protonagenet');
* Setup
* This is a query to setup a table that this
* file will use.
* If for some reason the query throws an exception
* then this try catch will handel it.
try {
$query = "CREATE TABLE `simplesql_cars` (
`modelid` int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`modelname` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`active` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
`location` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`content` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
PRIMARY KEY (`modelid`)
'modelname, active, location, content',
"'Thunderbird 4100', 0, 'Williamsburg, VA', 'http://www.google.com/'", 'simplesql_cars'
'modelname, active, location, content',
"'Dodge Viper', 1, 'Denver, CO', 'http://www.protonage.net'"
'modelname, active, location, content',
"'Range Rover', 1, 'Reston, VA', 'http://www.google.com/'"
'modelname, active, location, content',
"'Ford F150', 1, 'NewYork, NY', 'http://www.google.com/'"
'modelname, active, location, content',
"'Toyota Corral', 0, 'Richmond, VA', 'http://www.google.com/'"
'modelname, active, location, content',
"'BMW Z3', 1, 'Pitsburge, PA', 'http://www.dictionary.com/'"
} catch (Exception $e) {
trigger_error($e->getmessage(), E_USER_ERROR);
echo 'Search Example:
* Search
* This example searches the field location and returns
* every row that contains the keyword.
* First argument is the keyword to be found
* Second argument is the field that will be searched
* Third argument is the table that will be used
* + Note, this argument is optional in ALL methods and functions
* + because everytime it is called in a function, the table name
* + is stored in a variable inside the class. Later on in this test
* + file you will see that I will no longer use the table argument
* Fourth argument defines how you want the output to be formed, in
* + this case, I wanted the result to be an object array.
print_r($db->fetch_search('VA', 'location', 'simplesql_cars', FETCH_OBJECT));
echo 'Fetch Column Example:
* Fetch Column
* This example grabs columns of data out of the database
* First argument is a list of fields and one field (active)
* + which i gave a value of 1. This means the result will only
* + pick up the listed fields and where active = 1. Easy? Indeed!
* Second argument is the table but I omitted it because I already
* + defined the table I want to keep querying in the last function.
* Third argument (always optional and is saved in the class) is the
* + fetch type. This time I fetched the results as an assoiciate array.
print_r($db->fetch_col('modelname, location, active = 1', null, FETCH_ASSOC));
echo 'Last Query Example:
* Last Query
* This function will return the last query executed.
* Wanna see how that last function went threw?
echo '
Fetch Row Example:
* Fetch Row
* This example will fetch a row from a database
* First argument simply supply the field and it's value
* + Note: if the value is a string simply encapsulate it with
* + some type of quote ['`"]
print_r($db->fetch_row('modelid = 3'));
echo 'Fetch Example:
* Fetch
* This example will return the result of a query
* First argument is the query you want to send
* Second argument is how you want the result to be returned
print_r($db->fetch_query('SELECT * FROM `simplesql_cars` WHERE modelid < 6 AND modelid > 2', FETCH_NUM));
echo 'Get Result Example:
* Get Result
* Want to grab the result from the last SELECT query?
* Need the number of rows from last query?
echo '
get_rows Example:
echo 'Fetch Column Example:
* Fetch Column
* This example shows how to use the extra optional parameters in the function
* First argument, again are the fields. This time I wanted to
* + fetch where content = "http://www.google.com/"
* Second argument Table to use (omitted) because it was cached
* Third argument, How I want the result returned. This time I want an associate array.
* Fourth argument, Order by clause, I ordered by modelid field DESCENDING results
* Fith argument, Limit clause, limit 1, 2 will only return the second and third result
* + from the query.
print_r($db->fetch_col('modelname, content, location, content = "http://www.google.com/"', null, FETCH_ASSOC, 'modelid DESC', '1, 2'));
* Insert
* This example shows you how to insert data in a table
* These arguments CAN be an array of data! they just have to
* match in length.
* First argument is the list of fields I want to insert data into
* Second argument is the values given to thoes fields
$db->insert('modelname, location, content', '"Mazda RX8", "Googleville, DC", "http://www.dotgeek.org"');
echo 'Show last query Example:
// Show last query
echo $db->get_lastquery();
* Clone of above example except this uses arrays
$fields = array('modelname', 'location', 'content');
$values = array("Mazda RX8", "Googleville, DC", "http://www.dotgeek.org");
$db->insert($fields, $values);
* Update
* This example will update content in a database
* Updates the 5th id and turns active to 1
* Note this function also accepts arrays for arguments
* First argument is the field that will change
* Second argument is it's new value
* Thrid is the where clause, if any.
$db->update('active', '1', 'modelid = 5');
* Delete
* Delete a row or truncate a table
* This is a dangerouse function so I added in
* a paramater called $pass, What this function does is
* if the where fields argument is empty and $pass is omitted
* then the function will halt and return a Warning.
* if the $pass boolean is set to true, then this warning
* will be omitted and the query will be executed.
* This ONLY happens when the table is about to be truncated
* First argument is the values of the rows you want to delete
* Other arguments like $pass (explained above) and limit can be used
* Limit is useful if you want to delete only x number of rows.
$db->delete("location = 'Richmond, VA'");
* Misc Functions
* get_log will return the log array or if you supply it a key
* + from the array, it will return that key as an array only
// Will return the mysql log array
// print_r($db->get_log('mysql'));
// Will return the entire log array
// print_r($db->get_log());
* field_exists will return true if a field exists in a table
* + and false if not, This function is used by many other functions
* + within the class, but it has public access
echo 'field_exists(\'active\') Example:
echo 'field_exists(\'i_dont_exists\') Example:
* get_error() will return the last error if argument
* + is false or not given otherwise if true, it returns array
* selectdb($dbname) if you need to switch DB, simply call
* + this function with the name of the DB in the argument
* Setting Parameters
* You can set common booleans (usually for debugging) real time
* list of them are:
* + 'tracklog' (build track log array)
* + 'showlog' (show log at destruction of class)
* + 'logtofile' (log track log to file)
* + 'logfulltofile' (log full log array to raw serialize file)
* Note: You are not accessing these variables directly
* What happens is these variables are stored inside a protected
* array named common, when you get/set these variables, PHP5
* sees that they do not exists and then sends them to __set/__get
* functions, it is there where they are picked up and shoved
* back or from the array.
// This will print the entire log array to the screen when the class destructs itself
// It's default value is false, but this an example of how to change these common booleans
// and an example of what when on in this test/example file.
$db->showlog = true;
* That's not all of what this class file has to offer
* Play around with it and you really see the power you can
* get from out of this class.
* The debugging is especially amazing, You can grab query intensity
* levels from the mysql log array, the class also logs every single move
* it makes to a serialized entry to a raw log file!
* Soon I will add a mysqli layer for this class, note the one final class
* and also I will make a debug layer complete with pie graphs and
* optimization solutions!