DownloadCakePHP 3.x JSON Pagination Trait

composer require kield-01/cakephp3-json-pagination && composer dump-autoload -o
How to use?
In Your AppController , You must add use JsonPaginationTrait to use the trait application-wide:
class AppController extends Controller
use JsonPaginationTrait;
Or You could add it only to the controller You want:
class UsersController extends Controller
use JsonPaginationTrait;
How to get the data?
At first, You should load Your model, which You want to use with JsonPaginationTrait or to use autoloaded by the classname:
class UsersController extends Controller
use JsonPaginationTrait;
public function index()
/If You want to use custom alias, You should pass second argument/
return $this->j_paginate($this->Users->find(), $this->Users->getTable());
/Regular response with classic data alias/
return $this->j_paginate($this->Users->find());