1. Automatic PHP Regular Expression Building Part 1: Introduction to the PHP Regex Advanced Package
Posted on: 2015-11-17
Regular expressions are very useful and powerful, but for many PHP developers they are also hard to understand and hard to build to match text that applications need to process.
The PHP Regex Advanced package was created to avoid the pain of dealing with regular expressions. It uses meta-matching for building regular expressions automatically for you from samples of text that your PHP applications need to match.
Read this article to learn more about the PHP Advanced Regex package works with a real problem example so you can see how you can start using it in your PHP projects.
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The PHP Regex Advanced package was created to avoid the pain of dealing with regular expressions. It uses meta-matching for building regular expressions automatically for you from samples of text that your PHP applications need to match.
Read this article to learn more about the PHP Advanced Regex package works with a real problem example so you can see how you can start using it in your PHP projects.