1. How to Implement Secure PHP Hashing Algorithms to Detect When Sensitive Data May Have Been Altered Without Your Permission
Updated on: 2021-03-01
Posted on: 2021-03-01
Blake is a hashing algorithm used to create hash values from sets of data.
The hash values can be used to verify if a given data block was modified during an eventual security attack.
Such security attacks are usually aimed to alter data or programs that could make them work in a dangerous way for the users that receive that data or programs.
This package provides a pure PHP solution to implement the Blake 2 hashing algorithm.
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The hash values can be used to verify if a given data block was modified during an eventual security attack.
Such security attacks are usually aimed to alter data or programs that could make them work in a dangerous way for the users that receive that data or programs.
This package provides a pure PHP solution to implement the Blake 2 hashing algorithm.